WP7 Dissemination


The WP7 is led by Posiva who coordinates the dissemination activities of the DOPAS project and implements the major dissemination activities. The main purpose in this dissemination work package are to disseminate information about the projects activities and (public) results as widely as possible and to make it easy to access by the various target groups like decision makers, general public and RD&D stakeholders having interest in the project's scientific and technical results.


Dissemination of  DOPAS results and providing for learning opportunities (e.g. training) on plug and seal issues are expected to provide enhanced knowledge on design and performance of plugs and seals components in countries engaged in radioactive waste repository development, in particular in European Union Member States and Switzerland to various target groups interested in the outcomes of the RD&D work including political decision makers and general public. For this purpose the WP7 includes various dissemination activities that will be followed up during the project and reported during the different reporting periods. The main objectives of this Work Package are:


  •  to produce a comprehensive dissemination plan, implement it and carry out an active follow-up of the activities undertaken. Aspects of exploitation of restricted results are to be included into this plan and/or later in the exploitation plan of the project outcomes. As a part of the implementation of this dissemination plan a project description is prepared early in the beginning of the project for the "Euratom FP7 Research & Training Projects" project compendium;
  • to set up a training planning group and to organise one plugs and seals training workshop that is open also for participants outside the consortium. The training workshop will follow a well designed learning process capturing the framework of the DOPAS project and the learning outcomes of the training will be defined so that at a later stage the recognition of the learning outcomes from the training work shop could take place e.g. according to the ECVET approach. The training workshop plan and the training process content are produced as a deliverable of the project and published on the DOPAS public website http://www.posiva.fi/dopas. The open access to this material will be studied taking into account the nation and EU wide constraints of IPR on training materials especially if trainers from outside the DOPAS consortium members are used. The training workshop IPR issues will also be included into the DOPAS exploitation plan. The potential of organising also smaller tutorials during the DOPAS project e.g. in connection with the expert visits is also included in this work package;
  •  to organise in cooperation and produce input for the IGD-TP's full-fledged international seminar in early 2016 focussing on plugs and seals and the lessons learned around the full scale demonstrations from 2012 to 2015. For the seminar a call for papers will be issued and the call and the seminar papers will be published on the DOPAS public website http://www.posiva.fi/dopas in pdf -format and in a limited number in the form hard copy proceedings (print and/or CD). As a part of the seminar arrangements the IPR of the papers will be addressed to ensure the publication of the proceedings as planned. A programme planning group in cooperation with the IGD-TP will be set up as a task force for planning the programme content (including a plenary, poster sessions and/or workshops, and thematic presentation of submitted papers).
  •  to set up on the four experiment sites either at the entry of the underground facilities or adjacent to the experiments underground (depending on safety requirements set by each underground facility) posters describing the experiment; and
  •  to publish and present the DOPAS project's public results by producing scientific/technical papers and conference presentations. For this purpose also regular newsletters of the project's progress are published in pdf-format at 9 months intervals and two 2-page documents summarising the scientific and technical achievements of the DOPAS project will be produced for wider audiences with the assistance of a professional writer or journalist.